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Magnetoresistive Nanocomposites for Electrochemical Energy Storage
发布时间:2019-07-03 09:25:24     发布者:徐鹏     浏览次数:





Electrochemical capacitors (ECs) have been in urgent demand for utilizing sustainable and renewable energy sources due to the concerns over both the depletion of fossil fuels and climate changes. However, the current ECs have some challenges, for example, high power but low energy densities for electric double layer capacitors or high energy but low power densities for pseudocapacitors. Main efforts have been focused on developing new electrode materials (for example, highly conductive composites with high capacitance), or designing hierarchical nanomaterials (for example, microstructures with shortened low-resistive pathways for electron transport and ion diffusion). Recently, a small magnetic field of about 0.072 T was reported to significantly enhance the capacitance by 155% in a novel magnetic graphene nanocomposite electrode. However, the measured positive giant magnetoresistance (GMR, a large resistance change upon applying a magnetic field) of the electrode materials failed to interpret the capacitance enhancement. Therefore, how the magnetic field affects the electrochemical energy storage remains unclear. In this talk, the lab-made conductive polymer based- nanocomposites have been designed and synthesized to disclose this puzzle.


郭占虎,男,博士生导师,美国田纳西州大学化学和生物分子工程系副教授,1996年本科毕业于山东科技大学化学工程专业;1999年硕士毕业于北京化工大学化学工程专业;1999-2000在北京化工研究院任工程师设计。2000-2005年博士毕业于美国路易斯安那州立大学化学工程专业;2005-2008年在加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校机械和航空航天工程系博士后。2008-2014年在美国德克萨斯州拉马尔大学任助理教授,2015年至今在美国田纳西州大学诺克斯维尔分校任副教授,已在Chemical Society Reviews, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Angewandte Chemie, Energy & Environmental ScienceJournal of Materials Chemistry等国外SCI主流期刊杂志发表研究论文500余篇;担任Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials期刊主编和Engineered Science期刊执行主编。


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